
Mijoteuse manuelle Crock-Potᴹᴰ avec réchaud Little Dipperᴹᴰ, Acier inoxydable


Crock-Pot SCV803SS-033
0.00 N/A
Préparez votre prochain repas dans la mijoteuse manuelle Crock-PotMD avec réchaud Little DipperMD et délectez-vous de toutes les saveurs d'un bon plat maison, en toute facilité. Bien que vous passerez moins de temps dans la cuisine, votre famille et vos invités ne tariront pas d'éloges pour vos talents culinaires !
Voir la suite...

Additional Information

La mijoteuse manuelle Crock-PotMD est pratique et facile à utiliser. Vous n'avez qu'à préparer votre recette puis à choisir le réglage de cuisson. Votre repas cuira à petit feu, à la perfection. Cet accessoire est idéal lorsque vous voulez faire cuire un repas maison nutritif pendant que vous êtes au travail ou ailleurs. Les mijoteuses Crock-PotMD vous offrent de nouvelles façons de servir des plats délicieux et satisfaisants ! Ce modèle inclut deux températures pour la cuisson : élevée et basse. Fonction réchaud permettant de maintenir les aliments à une température idéale pour le service. Capacité accrue convenant aux grandes familles et aux réceptions.
  • Sert 8 personnes et plus
  • Capacité de 8 pintes
  • Températures de cuisson : basse et élevée
  • Fonction réchaud pratique
  • Récipient amovible ovale en grès
  • Récipient en grès et couvercle en verre pouvant être nettoyés au lave-vaisselle
  • Inclut réchaud Little DipperMD assorti en acier inoxydable
  • Extérieur en acier inoxydable ; garnitures noires ; poignées en plastique
  • Recettes incluses
Mijoteuse manuelle Crock-Potᴹᴰ avec réchaud Little Dipperᴹᴰ, Acier inoxydable est évalué 2.8 de 5 de 64.
Rated 3 de 5 de par Dumbest markings for heat settings ever! so frustrating- im here AGAIN, in search of the translation to heat setting of I and II !! i have the electronic version, and as if the markings weren't stupid enough with the original manual version, they continued the exact same numbering on subsequent versions. Every time i use it ( infrequently) i have to google the settings again, I wrote on it with permanent marker before but it came off the metal finish. Here I am again, and I'm sure I'll be back. This time Im putting it on mediacal tape and sticking it on,
Date de publication: 2021-06-13
Rated 4 de 5 de par Temperature Settings I used my new Crock Pot for the first time and to make sure of the temperature settings had to research online to verify what I assumed was correct. Looking at everyone asking the same question, I would think the company would at least put the information in the manual! Not difficult people, and saves your customers time. That’s why we’re using your product!!!
Date de publication: 2020-02-17
Rated 1 de 5 de par This is a terrible crockpot I had an older one that I absolutely adored unfortunately it crapped the bed. My husband bought be this nice big new one as I generally use slow cookers 2-3 times a week as our schedule don’t align. I have used this 3 times and every single time my food has cooked in less than half the time, burnt and boiled. Never once has it come out correctly in my tried and true recipes. I am ready to throw it in the garbage. Super disappointing and recommend you look elsewhere.
Date de publication: 2023-03-17
Rated 1 de 5 de par Can I buy a replacement crock insert ? Mine cracked during the first use
Date de publication: 2021-09-06
Rated 5 de 5 de par Super pratique pour les grands rassemblements J'ai acheté deux mijoteuses de 7,6 litres pour les réunions familiales élargies. Une petite heure de préparation et puis pas de souci jusqu'au repas.
Date de publication: 2016-09-26
Rated 1 de 5 de par Ceramic is complete garbage This is the second time I've had the ceramic break. The second time was while the pot was warming up with room temperature ingredients inside. A loud crack noise and liquid leaking from the bottom of the ceramic. The ceramic cracked on the bottom near the edge both times. It's time to switch to a different brand and you would be wise to do the same.
Date de publication: 2022-02-27
Rated 1 de 5 de par The Old Was Better I had bought one over 10 years ago but when I left the girlfriend , I let her keep everything ... if I would have known I would have kept the Crockpot ... this new version has the low setting too high ... meat is no longer tender and falling apart ... sad eatings ...will buy froma different company and hope the low setting is LOW !!!
Date de publication: 2019-01-05
Rated 1 de 5 de par Not a SLOW Cooking Crock Pot As a Christmas gift to myself, I bought this particular model Crock-Pot because it came with a Little Dipper. I am now disappointed I did. This Crock-Pot model cooks way too hot on the Level I (which I understand is the low level). I tried it last night to make meatballs - forget that action with this Crock-Pot on Level I as half of them burned and that was with lots of sauce in the Crock-Pot (2 jars of BBQ Diana's to be exact). I have had many crock pots over the years and I know for sure I should not have to fill a crock pot half to three-quarters full in order for it to cook properly. I have not tried the Little Dipper yet but am reluctant for fear I will now burn any dips I make if it cooks as high as the Crock-Pot it came with. I have decided to use my Pampered Chef baking dish for my dips for fear of burning more food! Sorry but if you read the reviews, there is a common theme, the Crock-Pot just cooks way too hot to be classified either a crock pot or a slower cooker! Fix the temperature problem and it will probably be a better product. Sorry.
Date de publication: 2021-02-06
Date de publication: 2020-01-28
Rated 2 de 5 de par Cooks too hot, cracked after 6 months! I bought this CrockPot to replace my older, smaller one... boy, do I wish I had my old one! This cooks entirely too fast. After maybe 6 months I noticed a crack that goes through the ceramic, approximately 3/4 of the way around the base. I have always hand-washed once cool and haven't banged it, so not sure why this happened... I'm assuming because it cooks so darn hot!?? Thankfully I noticed the crack before starting dinner for tomorrow. Now for my next problem... what to make for tomorrow?!
Date de publication: 2023-05-29
Rated 2 de 5 de par Too hot! I bought this crockpot a couple of years ago but don’t use it very often. I cook my homemade beans in it and it boils even when I have it on keep warm temperature. It is a slow cooker and should not be boiling on warm.
Date de publication: 2019-12-14
Rated 1 de 5 de par Too hot This slow cooker is not a slow cooker at all. It boils food at any setting. I’ve had food burn in it! I do no recommend for anyone to buy this style of slow cooker. Currently looking for a better quality one
Date de publication: 2021-02-04
Rated 1 de 5 de par Stoneware Cracked Unit was missing a foot and Crock Pot Customer Service could not help with the matter, said replacement rubber feet are not available. Put ingredients in the stoneware and it cracked.
Date de publication: 2020-05-18
Rated 1 de 5 de par Boils no matter what the setting This was an expensive slow cooker. It boils the food no matter what setting I put it on. Customer service does nothing to help. I would never buy this brand again
Date de publication: 2019-03-13
Rated 1 de 5 de par To Hot This is terrible. Even on low it's to hot. I can't put it on and go to work without it overcooking
Date de publication: 2020-04-28
Rated 5 de 5 de par Fantastic Large Crock I am extremely pleased with this purchase - the 8 Quart is large enough to slow cook large chickens between 6- 9 lbs; as well as make large 'freezer' batches of my favorite stews and casseroles. I also purchased some of the spice mixes - which are wonderful as well.
Date de publication: 2016-07-17
Rated 1 de 5 de par Overcooks Food - Potential Safety Hazard We’ve had this unit for a few years, and I have always been hesitant to use it. We both work full days, leave house around 7:30am, return around 4:20pm. Even on low setting, everything is always overcooked. Tonight was a ruined batch of beans…decided to not even clean it this time, straight to the garbage bin. Does it cook? Yes. Does it cook slowly? No, not in my opinion. I feel safer not having this unit in my house. And yes, we know what each symbol means.
Date de publication: 2022-10-03
Rated 2 de 5 de par Broken inside pot Hello, my crockpot inside shattered. It wasn't even on! I was putting the ingredients inside and the pot spontaneously shattered! Help, how do I get a replacement??? I am highly disappointed as I have only had this crockpot a few months.
Date de publication: 2020-02-15
Rated 2 de 5 de par Way Too Hot! I have had my crockpot for a number of months, but I came on this site today to see if I was mis-understanding the setting symbols because my crockpot does not "slow cook" on low, it boils maddly, and burns almost everything. We like to put dinner on low and once we are done working for the day, dinner is ready, but you can't do that with this product because your dinner would be burned black to the pot, even on what I assume is the "warm" setting.
Date de publication: 2021-02-17
Rated 1 de 5 de par Outside of device too hot I was surprised the outside stainless steel cooking device does not have any insulation. It is so hot that I received a minor burn when moving it. I am glad I put it on a wooden cutting board while cooking but I would not feel comfortable leaving it on al day while out. I have had others in the past and I did not find they got this hot. I replaced my old one after dropping the lid. It smashed into a thousand pieces.
Date de publication: 2023-03-30
Rated 5 de 5 de par I love the removable stoneware I received your original Crock pot as a wedding gift in 1978! It has has a lot of use.It still works!!! That's 44 years of great service. Recently I saw your new version at a friends house. I loved that the stone crock was removable so I upgraded. I love that feature. Now I can have a main dish cooking in the large pot and use the old one to keep a hot beverage warm. Thank you for a great product!
Date de publication: 2022-05-04
Rated 5 de 5 de par Love love love it I have had mine for over 3 years and I absolutely love it, uses it everyday has never had an issue with it, never boils on all settings like other comments state, it all depends on what your cooking, I cook everything in it and I mean everything, if it ever gives out I will buy the same one.
Date de publication: 2020-02-05
Rated 1 de 5 de par Bought this slow cooker a few weeks ago, and would have returned it if I had kept the box. This can't be called a slow cooker. Cooks much too hot and too quickly to be called a slow cooker. I certainly would not leave this cooking all day at home while I was away. Extremely disappointed. Do not recommend this at all. If there is some way I could get my money back, please let me know.
Date de publication: 2024-04-28
Rated 2 de 5 de par Only heats up on one side?! Contrary to everyone else’s problem, mine does NOT have enough heat. It only boiled on one side! Made spaghetti sauce over the holidays for guests and heat only came from one side. Ended up putting the sauce in the oven after it being in the slow cooker all day and not being warm at all. You get what you pay for... this was cheap and you get cheap quality!
Date de publication: 2017-12-26
Rated 5 de 5 de par Love this product Have had this one for almost 10 years and love so much. Very easy to use, easy to clean and always makes yummy meals! (follow the recipe) As with most new things there is a learning curve, but thankfully there is a lot of information on this site and the internet about how to use to get the yummy meals you are dreaming about.
Date de publication: 2021-08-22
Rated 5 de 5 de par Never lets me doen No matter what I cook, the crock pot is the way to go for for those comfort meals in the winter and cooler months. I even use it for keeping mash potatoes or other items warm for big crowds! My crock pot is super easy to clean and very strong. I have had no problems with it and I have it for many years now!!
Date de publication: 2022-10-30
Rated 1 de 5 de par Huge disappointment Have tried to cook a cottage roll in this unit twice..high for 6 such luck..cabbage is still raw so I can only assume the meat is too after being in there the same amount of time.. into a dutch oven and on the stove for another hour to feed the family. Just throws a screw into the day! Ugh!!!!
Date de publication: 2023-03-19
Rated 2 de 5 de par Temperatures very on each "lot#" of device. I'm sure the manufacturer pulls one per lot# to check for variation in temp and that there is a swing range of aloud variation. But! The low temp on my model is 303° on low and about the same on the switch has a malfunction or there actually is no variation
Date de publication: 2019-12-28
Rated 1 de 5 de par cuit trop fort j'ai acheté cette mijoteuse il y a 11 mois et depuis 1 mois je dois arrêter la mijoteuse après 3 hrs sinon la nourriture brule, je met la mijoteuse à low. J'ai jamais vu autant de vapeur sortir de la mijoteuse j'ai l'impression de faire bouillir de l'eau pour des pâtes
Date de publication: 2022-07-27
Rated 2 de 5 de par Extremely hot I am having this replaced ( with the same model). It gets extremely hot and bubbling on the first setting. I hope the new one doesn’t I’ve burnt myself on the outer stainless part several times. I miss my old 25+ year crockpot. I sure hope the new one is better
Date de publication: 2020-01-18
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