Contact Us

Please provide an image of your product now for product questions or concerns. This will help us best support you and expedite a resolution.

We apologize if you are experiencing longer than usual call wait times or delayed responses to your questions through chat, email and social media. Some of our Crock-Pot customer contact team members are working reduced office hours as a safety precaution due to the coronavirus affecting the regions where we operate. Ensuring the health of our employees is our first priority and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we make every effort to minimize any disruption in supporting you, our valued customers.

Your Crock-Pot team
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The date code is engraved on the outside of the metal prongs you plug into the wall to give the unit power. The metal prongs are located on the end of the power cord. This code should begin with one letter, followed by three numbers. (e.g. A123)
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If needed, you can attach a document/image.
File size should not exceed 3MB and file format should be "pdf,txt,doc,docx,jpg,png,jpeg,gif".

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